Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mirrors [2008]

I don't watch many big budget ego-monger made mainstream horrors, but I HAD to check out Mirrors eventually...I'll follow Alexandre Aja into the depths of fluff animation and rom-com meadows after he gave us the gloriously brutal High Tension.

Sure, a Mirrors review wasn't necessary, but I figured I should at least drop a thought or two for other fellow indie-lovers and underground dwellers.

Mirrors plays out like a Japanese teen titilater. We have ghosts, gruesome deaths (mind you, too few), mystery, and an unlikely case solver...drenched in atmosphere, dark lighting, a strong string score, and capable cast. Okay. What's to hate? Not much. So what's to love? A keeping it consistant - not much either. Therefore, in conclusion, Mirrors attempts nothing else but to be a non-envelope pushing money least it succeeeded.


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